
Finding the Funds

During its 1996/97 financial year, CAFOD raised close to �3.7 million for the programmes it supports across the world from official bodies such as the British Government's Department for the International Development (DFID) and the European Union. Nearly another �1.2 million was raised from sister agencies and channelled through CAFOD for development and emergency work.

The British government alone contributed nearly �2.5 million through the annual block grant whereby DFID matches CAFOD's contribution to development projects on a pound for pound basis.

Development grants from the European Union amounted to some �800,000, including an annual block grant of around �170,000 and funding for programmes in Kenya, Eritrea, Albania, Armenia, Poland, Bolivia and Bangladesh. Around �140,000 was allocated by ECHO, the European Community Humanitarian Office, for CAFOD's emergency work, and the European Union channelled around �60,000 for food security and food aid programmes for Sudan through CAFOD.

Significant funds were also received from Comic Relief, the States of Jersey and Guernsey and the Isle of Man which were channelled to a variety of development and emergency programmes.


CAFOD Review of the Year 1997

Headlines from Catholic World News

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