Ecumenical Work

United Witness

CAFOD supports many projects in the Third World in tandem with other Christian Churches and their agencies.

In September 1997, for example, CAFOD started co-funding a programme for improved food security in the Philippines together with Christian Aid. MuCARD, the Muslim-Christian Agency for Rural Development, brings together Muslim and multi-denominational Christian groups to assist small farmers, fisherfolk and marginalised women. MuCARD's experience has shown that unified communities generate a high level of trust and co-operation.

In Brazil CAFOD funds the Ecumenical Centre for Popular Education (CESEP) in Sao Paulo: a training centre set up by Protestant and Catholic Churches to provide courses to pastoral agents and Christian "leaders" involved in community organisations, women's groups, local government, and trade unions.

CAFOD also supports the Foundation for Social Assistance of the Christian Churches (FASIC) in Chile which works on human rights, legal assistance, and gender awareness.

At home CAFOD continued its close relationship with CTE (Churches Together in England) and its equivalent CYTUN in Wales. In November 1997 CTE stages a "roadshow" to present their programme for the millennium. Carrying the message "New Start", the roadshow visited ten venues around England. Catholic participation was made possible by CAFOD's Fr Robert Plourde, who presented on the theme"New Start for the New World's Poor".

At a local level, in September CAFOD joined with Christian Aid and the Church Missionary Society to organise a Walk for Central Africa in the Lickey Hills Country Park near Birmingham. Visitors from Uganda participated in the event and in total one hundred people took part, raising close to �5000. The walk included a Way of the Cross with meditations based on life in Central Africa.

Then in October CAFOD helped fund One World Week, an annual week of activities during which thousands of people from different Churches seek to act together on development issues.

CAFOD Review of the Year 1997

Headlines from Catholic World News

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