CAFOD is the Catholic Fund for Overseas Development, set up by our Bishops of England and Wales in 1962

The main aim of CAFOD is to provide a way through which the Catholic Church here can respond to the needs of the developing countries of the third world.

With CAFOD's help over 1,000 poor communities in 75 countries in

Asia and the Pacific
Latin America and the Caribbean
Eastern Europe

are working on projects to make things better for everyone involved.

The people in these countries decide what needs to be done themselves. They get involved in all aspects of their work, and make surer no-one is left out just because they have a different religion or colour or come from another country. They learn all about the project so that they can continue to keep it going by themselves.

One of the main tasks of CAFOD is to help people to ask why there is poverty, hunger, sickness and unfair treatment so that we can all work to change this.

These diagrams show the main categories of CAFOD's work overseas.

More than 100 people work at CAFOD's head office in London and there are many more people who work in the 12 different CAFOD offices around the country.

Every two years CAFOD runs a special education campaign to help people learn more about a particular topic.


Childrens Guide, Wordsearch

Headlines from Catholic World News

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