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On-line lessons



On-line lessons and Independent learning Service

The web provides an excellent format for developing a framework for on-line lessons that can be accessed by pupils in lessons and then guided through a lesson task. It is can also provide pupils with resources and guides for independent learning from school or home.

Examples from Logos RE:

An on-line lesson: A year 7 lesson on CAFOD (Catholic Fund for Overseas Development)

Independent learning: GCSE coursework on Vocation

Logos RE provides a free service for teachers who have an idea for an on-line RE lesson or independent learning activity but who do not have the expertise to put it into a web format. If you want to produce an on line lesson or independent learning page for RE fill out the form below and submit it.  

On-line Lesson Form


Your name and position:


Your school address:

Email address:


Outline/ title of lesson/independent learning idea:


Key stage/ Age group 


Learning objectives


Detailed description outlining the task/ questions/ web links/ Sub-pages needed and the information to be included on these pages



We will endeavour to produce this web page and then send you the web link so you can use it at your school. You will be fully credited.