Web Weaving in Schools - Intranets and the Internet in schools.
The Use of Intranets in Education - P.J. Challinor
Painsley is one of the first schools in the UK to have a fully functional and interactive Intranet, where pupils can create web sites in their own private areas, for general viewing both internally and by visitors to the world wide web.
Pupils and staff also use the Intranet for teaching and learning, general information management and administration. To view part of our Intranet use the navigation buttons at the top of the page.
We began developing the Painsley Intranet in 1996, and began using it with pupils in late 1996. In 1997 we moved from a file based system to TCP/IP, when the school computer network was upgraded to make this possible.
We have used a wide range of tools to create our sites, but over time we have moved from Netscape browsers and page creating tools to Microsoft applications. For Web Development, FrontPage is our key tool, though other staff and pupils are using Publisher 97/98 and Word 97. We also write HTML and JavaScript code, and - as you will see from the pupil sites - pupils are developing HTML and JavaScript skills too.
With a computer in almost every teaching room, and a member of staff from each department developing their own Web Site, the intranet is set to grow exponentially.
We hope to include most of our intranet material on this internet site.
Peter Challinor & Peter Weatherby
Contact us at [email protected], or [email protected]