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image Mr. Winkle image
Is it a hamster with a perm? Is it a cat in a dog suit? Alien perhaps? No, Mr Winkle is actually a fully-grown male canine. Many believed Mr Winkle wasn't real - that prancing walk, the oversized tongue - you must admit he looks like a battery powered market stall affair. This miniature pooch has received so much attention while out on his daily trot that his owner has decided to put him online to clear up the confusion. This is the home of the cutest dog in the universe.

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image am I hot or not? image
Recently launched, Am I Hot or has already received 1000's of hits and plenty of attention. The concept is a simple one, the site holds loads of photos of visitors and asks you to rate their attractiveness out of ten. If you are feeling brave you can submit your own mug for scrutiny and find out how hot others think you are. However - a word of warning - this one is not for fragile egos since the average picture gets just 4 out of 10 and the highest rated photo was that of a spaniel.

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image face generator image
Facegenerator is a face transformation tool that enables realistic looking manipulation of facial features. Facegenerator's potential is enormous, but this one is built simply for comical purposes. First thing to do is to decide whether you'd like to manipulate a male or a female. Then work on the facial features. If you don't fancy mutating faces yourself, there are some pretty freaky pre-generated faces like the sweetboy or the girlfriend to check out just for amusement.

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image bad fads image
Dig out your flares and backcomb your Afro, because it's time to visit the 'Bad Fads Museum'! This online archive of the 'trends you'd rather forget', includes fads as varied as hot pants, Rubik's cubes and streaking! There's a photo and information on the offending item, so you can make your own mind. The scary thing is, you'll see a lot of fads you wish were still around!

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image ice box image
ice box
Ice Box is a site which has assembled a group of writers, producers and animators dedicated to creating original animated entertainment on the web. Everything on this site is cutting edge, cool, and funny, - and, you may well be here all day! Just like a real channel, IceBox has a weekly schedule so you can be clued up about the upcoming episodes. There's also a reminder service which e-mails you when your favourite shows are on! You'll find all the old favourites here.

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image build a rockstar image
Ever secretly wished to direct a rock band, but dreaded all the responsibility that goes with it? Well, now there is a way to make your wish come true. At you have the opportunity to create your own virtual rock band. Start by booking a session in the studio. You will then be guided through all the stages of your directorial debut. Where you want to play, what you want to play and who you want to play with. Finally, the band will perform an exclusive gig for you.

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image burgar sim. image
Job too good? Too satisfying? Pay too high? No stupid uniform to wear? Before it all goes to your head, have a go on the Mc Donald's hamburger simulator and experience the stultifying boredom of working in the world's largest hamburger chain! Place the all-beef patty on the bun! Add the special sauce! Add the lettuce! Quick quick! Deposit the second all-beef patty! Four more to make! Go go go!

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Developed and maintained by the pupils of Painsley R.C High School.
Last updated: 25/02/01        Contact the Pupil webmasters