Living the Christian life




To explore the meaning of a Christian life and what this means in practice.



·        To explore the basis of Christian values in the 10 commandments (Exodus 20:1-17).

·        To explore the basis of Christian values in the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes (Matthew 5-7) as a guide for Christian living and re-interpretation of the law of Moses (especially; MT 5:21-42, 6:1-18, 6:19-34, 7:1-5, 7:7-12)

·        Christian values in practice.

·        To look at the work of two exemplary Christians and the contribution they make to discipleship.



1.     What it means to be a Christian.

2.     The 10 commandments.

3.     The Beatitudes.

4.     The Sermon on the Mount – a guide for Christian living.

5.     The Sermon on the Mount – a re-interpretation of the Law of Moses.

6.     The Christian way of life.

7.     Christian role models.

8.     Assessment.


Key words:

Ten Commandments, Sermon on the Mount, Displaying religion, Judgement, Golden Rule, Service, Compassion, Concern, Justice, Oppressed.