Social Harmony





To appreciate the value of social harmony in the world, particularly between sexes different ethnic and religious groups.



·        To consider the role of Women in society in the past and today.

·        The gender roles outlined in Gen 1:27, Eph 5:21-33, Gal 3:26-29, 1 Tim 2:9-15 and the subsequent teaching of the Catholic Church.

·        To explore the differing attitudes and reasoning to the role of women in ministry.

·        Exploration of Britain as a multi-ethnic society.

·        Issues of prejudice, racism and discrimination in the U.K. today.

·        Catholic teaching on racial harmony as expressed in Acts 10:1-35, Luke 10:25-37, Galatians 3:26-29.

·        A Christian response to racial harmony.

·        Britain as a multi-faith society and related issues.

·        Attitudes of Catholics to other religions and the reasons for it.

(exclusivism, inclusivism, pluralism)



1.     Women’s roles today and in the past.

2.     Women in the Catholic Church and Christian ministry in general.

3.     Multi-ethnic Britain.

4.     Racism in Britain.

5.     A Catholic response to racial harmony.

6.     Multi-Faith Britain.

7.     The Catholic response to other religions.

8.     Assessment.


Key Words:

Equality, Sexism, Multi-ethnic society, Prejudice, Racism, Discrimination, Multi-faith society, Religious Freedom, Religious Pluralism.