Worship and Celebration




To appreciate the sacraments and worship, and their importance to the Christian life.



·        The sacraments and what they mean.

·        The sacraments of initiation.

·        The importance of the Mass for Catholics and denominational differences in the understanding of the Eucharist.

·        The role of the sacrament of penance.

·        The importance of the sacrament of the sick.

·        How and why Catholics celebrate Christmas, Lent, Holy week and Easter.


 Lessons: (NB: Marriage and Holy orders are covered elsewhere)

1.     Sacraments.

2.     Baptism.

3.     Confirmation.

4.     Eucharist

5.     Other Christian beliefs about the Eucharist.

6.     Sacrament of Reconciliation.

7.     Anointing of the sick.

8.     Christmas.

9.     Lent.

10. Holy week.

11. Easter.

12. Assessment.


Key Words:

Water, Chrism, Vows, Renewal of Baptismal Vows, Penitential Rite, Liturgy of the Word, Eucharist, Rite of Communion, Sacrifice, Real Presences, Transubstantiation, Tabernacle, Contrition, Penance, Absolution, Viaticum, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter.