This page is here to help you do your coursework for GCSE Religious Studies.

This course work page will help to to find information for you assignment and give you some general tips for producing it.

For help and information on any particular part of the question click on the book icon.

General tips & advice on coursework

The Question!


You are to produce a piece of coursework no longer than 1500 words to answer the following question.


Describe, analyse and explain:


 i. The variety of specifically religious programmes on the four terrestrial TV channels.                                                                                                          

ii. How a religious issue of concern to Catholics has been dealt with in a TV soap opera.                                                                                                               

iii. The way in which a religious or moral issue has been dealt with in either 

     a TV drama or a film.                                                                                 

(12 marks)

 B.     Give your response to the view that:

�Television always presents religious people as out of touch with the modern world.�

Give reasons for you answer, showing that you have considered different points of view.  


                                                                                              (8 marks)