10.1: The Sermon on the Mount
Matthew 5:1-19.
The beatitudes are not a set of rules but are an outline of a good Christian character.
They tell us what to be, not what exactly to do. The people who keep the beatitudes will
be like salt, they will give the world a new flavour.
Task RC 1
Choose one beatitude and show how the world would be a better
place if everyone lived according to it.
Task RC 2
What did Jesus mean when he called the disciples the alt of
the earth.
Task RC 3
What warning about teaching did Jesus give in verse 19.
Matthew 5:20-42
Here Jesus shows how the new standard he is preaching is greater than the old. The old
standard merely required outward rule-keeping. The new one requires your heart, your
intentions to be right as well.
Task RC 4
What did Jesus mean when he said that the disciples
virtue must go deeper than that of the scribes and Pharisees?
Task RC 5
Go through verses 20-42 and find any of Jesus teaching
on right speech?
Task RC 6
What did Jesus teach about adultery in this passage?
Task RC 7
What was Jesus teaching on divorce given here.
Task RC 8
In verses 38-42 Jesus is advising his apostles give more
service than they have to. In this way they will make friends of their enemies. What
exactly did he say in these verses?
chapter 5, verses 43-48
This passage sets the Christian standard of perfection. We are to try and be godlike.
Task RC 9
Jesus gives reasons to be generous and forgiving. What are
Task RC 10
According to this passage what distinguishes Jesus
disciples from pagans?
Matthew 6, 1-6 and 16-18 and chapter 7, verses 1-11
These passages say that prayer and good works should be performed with the right
intentions, or they are worthless.
Task RC 11
What did Jesus say about being modest about your good deeds
in these passages?
Task RC 12
What did Jesus say about hypocrisy in these passages?
chapter 6, verses 7-15
This passage tells us the right ways for Christians to pray. Babbling as the pagans do
was calling on all the names of God so as to find Gods favourite name. The Christian
God is above such flattery.
Task RC 13
Task RC 14
What did Jesus say about forgiveness?
chapter 6,verses 19-34
Task RC 15
What did Jesus teach about money in this section?
Task RC 16
What were Jesus teachings on trust in God given here?
chapter 7, verses 12-29
These are a few final points to round off the sermon. However, they are all important.
Jesus is making the important point that you can judge a person by their behaviour, so
anyone who claims to speak for God yet behaves badly must be rejected.
Task RC 17
What was the golden rule?
Task RC 18
What do you think Jesus meant by his instruction that we
enter by the narrow gate?
Task RC 19
Explain what Jesus meant when he said you can tell a tree by
its fruit.
Task RC 20
What did Jesus say about true discipleship in this passage?
Task RC 21
What in your opinion does the parable of the two houses at
the end of the sermon mean?