This page is a directory for all the resources you will find on this site. You can return to this page from anywhere in the site by clicking on the GCSE Religious Education logo in the top left hand corner. From this page you can access a comprehensive text book, The Xian Files, which includes information and activities. You can also find model examination questions, a detailed description of the GCSE syllabus (AQA), including how it is taught at Painsley RC High School, and a thorough guide to revision for the mocks and GCSE exam, REvision Online. A section of the site also deals with Coursework assignments, including hints and tips for writing the essay, resources which students can use and information on how the work is marked. In addition to these resources, you will find Directory pages for each area of the syllabus with links to a selection of teaching resources which have been used in the course. The Teaching resources, mostly worksheets, are the least developed part of the site.
('Religion and life from a Catholic perspective' & 'Catholicism' alternatives) We are now beginning to develop a new area of the site for the Edexcel Religious Studies GCSE which all our GCSE students will do from September 2001. There is not much on it yet but it will grow over the next few months.
AQA Religious Studies GCSE ('Effects of Roman Catholic tradition' & 'St Mark' Alternatives) General Information
Curriculum ResourcesWorksheets and other resources, cross referenced with Xian Files, Coursework aids, Revision Notes and Set Texts.
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