An Introduction to the MassCopy out the passage which follows into your books. Fill in the gaps with the words given, underlining the word you have chosen. The Mass
The ___________________ Mass is the most important service for Catholics. Catholics meet together for Mass every ___________________ Sunday. In many churches there are also Masses on weekdays. At Mass, people listen to the Bible, pray, and sing ___________________ hymns or songs. The Mass is in two parts. In the first part, after some prayers to begin the service, the ___________________ Bible is read out, and the priest explains the readings. The talk by the priest is called a ___________________ sermon or homily. In the second part of the Mass the priest prays over ___________________ bread and wine to remember the Last Supper ___________________ Jesus had with his disciples. Catholics believe that Jesus becomes very close - they say the bread and ___________________ wine become the ___________________ body and blood of Christ.
The ___________________ priest leads the worship at Mass, and wears some special clothes, which are called ___________________ vestments. The ___________________ colour of these clothes depends on the day or the time of year. |