Who is my neighbour?

 Sort it out

Write these sentences in your books in the right order.

1. The Samaritan paid the inkeeper and asked him to care for the man.

2. He was robbed and left for dead.

3. He put him on his donkey and took him to an inn.

4. A Samaritan saw the man, and he stopped to help.

5. A priest saw him by the side of the road, but did not stop to help.

6. A man went on a journey from Jerusalem to Jericho.

7. A Levite came along the road, but he passed the man by.

How would he tell it today?

If Jesus were telling the story of the Good Samaritan today, it wouldn’t be about a Jew and a Samaritan. But who would it be about?

Try and think of an example of the parable for today, and do a table like this in your books.

Jesus’ version

Modern version

Jewish Man (on journey)


Man is robbed and left for dead


Journey from Jerusalem to Jericho








ƒ Write your own parable

Write your own modern version of the parable of the Good Samaritan, based on your answers to section .


Write a different ‘Who is my neighbour?’ story, showing how someone helped someone else they might not have done.

The Good


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