The Sorrowful Mysteries

of the Holy Rosary

The Sorrowful Mysteries

The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary are about Jesus’ suffering and death. You can find the stories in the Gospels. Here are the references to Mark’s Gospels.

    1. The Agony in the Garden Mark 14:32-52
      Jesus prayed to God in the garden of Gethsemane before he was arrested.
    2. The Scourging at the Pillar Mark 15:15
      Jesus was whipped by the Roman soldiers before he was crucified.
    3. The Crowning with Thorns Mark 15:16-20
      The soldiers mocked Jesus and placed the crown of thorns on his head.
    4. The Carrying of the Cross Mark 15:21-22
      Jesus carried his cross to the place where he was crucified.
    5. The Crucifixion Mark 15:23-39
      Jesus died on the cross.

A. Fill the Gaps

Copy this passage into your books, filling in the gaps.

The second group of mysteries are called the ___________________ Sorrowful Mysteries. These are: The Agony (Jesus in the ___________________ Garden of Gethsemane), the Scourging (Jesus is ___________________ whipped by the Romans), the ___________________ Crowning with thorns, the Carrying of the ___________________ Cross and the Crucifixion, when Jesus ___________________ died on the cross.

B. Rosary Leaflet

Use the information on this sheet to make a three-panelled leaflet, on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.

Your leaflet should include:

a front page with the title: ‘The Sorrowful Mysteries’
a page for each mystery with word and pictures.
a simple picture of a Rosary somewhere in your leaflet.

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