Friends and Family
Answer these questions in your books
- How many good friends have you got?
- What do your friends give to you?
- What do you give to your friends?
- Are there any things your friends should give you but dont? What are they?
- Are there any things you should give your friends and dont? What are they?
- How important were Jesus friends to him?
- What does friendship mean to you? Give a description.
- Draw a symbol of friendship.
- In your opinion, who are the important people in your family? Why?
- Who in your family do you find it easiest to talk to?
- Most families have arguments. Who do you argue most with in your family? Why do you think this is?
- What joy and happiness can we find in family life?
- What difficulties do many families find in their lives? Make a list of the ones you can think of.
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