The scheme is broken up into modules which

usually last approximately half a term or a term


1. God

This module considers Christian beliefs about God and the role of faith in the life of a believer

The issue of theodicy is also explored, how can a good God allow suffering?

The Christian respose to evil in the world: sin; reconciliation; forgiveness



2. Living for the Kingdom

In this module pupils will study examples of injustice in the world and reflect upon the churches social teaching and their own response these issues.

3. The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus

The question ‘who is Jesus?’ is raised and pupils examine

Christian claims about Jesus through the format of a trial

The climax of Jesus’ ministry is then examined in the light of Christian belief



4. Exploring faiths - Islam

Pupils will research and discover particular aspects of Islam and produce

a group project which they will then present to the rest of the class


5. The Sanctity of human life

The issues of abortion and euthanasia will be considered in the

light of the churches teaching about the sanctity of human life

Pupils will reflect upon societies attitude towards sex and sexual










Term 1

1. GOD



Topics in Module

i. Images of God

ii. Faith

iii. The Trinity

iv. Theodicy


i. Images of God

Christian belief about God

Getting to know God



Looking for God



Shared human experience

To explore the images we have of God and the reasons behind those images

To consider why there is evil in the world


Religious Belief and Practice

To consider the Christian image of God and the Christian belief

that a believer has a relationship with God

To consider why Christians believe in a good God

inspite of the evil in the world



Personal search

Do I believe in God?

If so what is he like?

Why is there evil in the world?







Specific Attainment Objectives

for different ability groups

That pupils would:

p God as designer of the universe

SN - understand and be able to explain that the creation stories are a symbolic way of

explaining that God created the world. Understand the idea that God is the designer of the


LA - understand that the creation stories are symbolic way of

explaining that God created the world. Understand the argument from design.

MA - understand and be able to explain meaning of symbolic and scientific

explanations for the origin of the world. Understand and be able to explain the

argument from design.

HA - understand and be able to explain meaning and purpose of symbolic and scientific

explanations for the origin of the world. Understand and be able to explain in detail the

argument from design.

p God as a personal power

SN - Understand that Christians believe that God is a power with whom

you can have a relationship.

LA - Understand that Christians believe that God is a power with whom

you can have a relationship.

Have considered the nature of this power through the study of at least one of the following

Biblical passages: 1 Samuel Chp. 17 v. 12-51, John 9: 1-41, John 11, 1-44.

MA - Understand that Christians believe that God is a power with whom

you can have a relationship.

Have considered and be able to explain the nature of this power through the study of the

following Biblical passages: 1 Samuel Chp. 17 v. 12-51, John 9: 1-41, John 11, 1-44.

HA - Understand that Christians believe that God is a power with whom

you can have a relationship.

Have considered and be able to explain in detail the nature of this power through the study of

the following Biblical passages: 1 Samuel Chp. 17 v. 12-51, John 9: 1-41, John 11, 1-44.

Assessment Task









ii. Faith

The meaning of faith

Stories of faith in the Gospel


To consider the meaning of faith - in people - in God

To look at the role of faith in the life of a Christian

To examine stories of faith in the Gospels








Specific Attainment Objectives

for different ability groups

That pupils would:

p Faith

SN - be able to explain the meaning of the word faith using examples if necessary

LA - be able to describe, in words, the meaning of the word faith and understand that for a

Christian belief in God involves faith.

MA - be able to describe the meaning of the word faith and explain how

Christian belief requires a faith in God.

HA - be able to describe the meaning of the word faith and explain how

Christian belief requires a faith in God.

p Faith in the Gospels & in the life of a Christian

SN - be able to give an example of faith in the Gospels and explain

on a simple level why faith is important for Christians.

LA - be able to give an example of faith in the Gospels and explain

why faith is important for Christians.

MA - be able to give detailed examples of faith in the Gospels,

explaining the importance of faith in the story and relate

its importance for Christians today.

HA - be able to give detailed examples of faith in the Gospels,

explaining the importance of faith in the story and relate,

in depth, its importance for Christians today.

Assessment Task










iii. The Trinity


The natures expressed in the differing roles

of the Trinity Father, Son and Holy Spirit


To consider the mysterious and inexplicable

To explore the meaning of the Trinity through considering ways of explaining presence of three personalities in one God and then through looking at the different roles of the persons in the Trinity




The Bible and Christian belief





Specific Attainment Objectives

for different ability groups

That pupils would:

p Mystery

SN - understand the term mystery and be able to explain how religious people use pictures and

images to describe things that they cannot fully understand.

LA - understand the term mystery and be able to explain, using examples, how religious people use

pictures and images to describe things that they cannot fully understand.

MA - understand the term mystery and understand how many religious concepts are mysterious.

- be able to explain, using examples, how religious people use pictures and images to describe

things that they cannot fully understand.

HA - understand the term mystery and understand how many religious concepts are mysterious.

- be able to explain, using examples, how religious people use pictures and images to describe

things that they cannot fully understand.

p The Trinity

SN - understand Christian belief that God is one but made up of three persons.

- be able to represent the concept of the Trinity using images and symbols.

LA - understand Christian belief that God is one but made up of three persons.

- be able to explain, in simple terms, the concept of the Trinity using words, images and symbols.

MA - understand Christian belief that God is one but made up of three persons.

- be able to explain the concept of the Trinity using words, images and symbols.

HA - understand Christian belief that God is one but made up of three persons.

- be able to explain in detail the concept of the Trinity using words, images and symbols.

Assessment Task







iv. Theodicy


Shared human experience

To explore the presence and possible purpose of evil and suffering in the world



Religious Belief and Practice

To understand why Christians believe God is good despite the presence of suffering and evil in the world



Personal search

Can pain be meaningful?

How can God be good if there is suffering in the world?

If there a heaven?

Is there a hell?







Specific Attainment Objectives

for different ability groups

That pupils would:

p Why is there evil, pain and suffering?

SN - understand how free will, the laws of nature and the ability

to have real choices can result in people suffering.

LA - understand and be able to describe in a simple way how free will, the laws of nature and the

ability to have real choices can result in people suffering.

MA - understand and be able to describe how free will, the laws of nature and the

ability to have real choices can result in people suffering.

HA - understand and be able to describe, in detail, how free will, the laws of nature and the

ability to have real choices can result in people suffering.

p Can pain be meaningful

SN - understand how suffering can be meaningful, especially for Christians.

- consider examples where pain or suffering has resulted in eventual good.

LA - understand how suffering can be meaningful, especially for Christians.

- be able to consider the purpose, or lack of purpose, in situations

where people have endured pain.

MA - understand why Christians believe that suffering can have meaning,

especially in relation to the passion of Christ.

- be able to discuss their own views as to the meaning or meaninglessness of suffering.

HA - understand why Christians believe that suffering can have meaning,

especially in relation to the passion of Christ.

- be able to discuss, in detail, their own views as to the meaning

or meaninglessness of suffering.

p Heaven and hell

SN - consider, at a simple level, the different ideas and interpretations

of Hell and the type of people who might go to hell.

- consider what a ‘Heavenly’ or ‘Hellish’ mind might be like.

LA - consider different ideas and interpretations of Hell and the type or people who go to hell.

- consider what a ‘Heavenly’ or ‘Hellish’ mind might be like.

MA - consider different ideas and interpretations of Hell and the type

of people who might go to hell.

- consider and analyse their own ideas about what makes someone

a ‘Heavenly’ or ‘Hellish’ person.

HA - consider, in detail, different ideas and interpretations of Hell

and the type of people who might go to hell.

- consider and analyse their own ideas about what makes someone

a ‘Heavenly’ or ‘Hellish’ person.


Assessment Task





‘If I were God I’d say sorry’




v. Sin and Reconciliation



Shared human experience

To consider why there is sin, conflict and evil in the world

To consider why we as individuals fail to always be good

To examine how it can be overcome


Religious Belief and Practice

Consider Christian belief about why there is sin in the world

Consider Christian teaching about forgiveness and reconciliation

To consider further the sacrament of reconciliation




Personal search

How can sin/evil be overcome?

How can I resolve conflict in my life?

Why should I forgive my enemies?

How do I fogive?




Specific Attainment Objectives

for different ability groups

That pupils would:

p Sin & conflict

SN - be able to understand on a simple level, the Christian concept of sin

LA - be able to understand the Christian concept of sin

MA - be able to explain in detail the Christian concept of sin

HA - be able to explain in detail the Christian concept of sin

p Reconciliation and the sacrament of reconciliation

SN - understand the word ‘reconciliation’ and have a basic understanding of the nature and

purpose of reconciliation and the sacrament of reconciliation in the Christian tradition.

LA - understand the word ‘reconciliation’ and have a simple understanding of the nature and

purpose of reconciliation and the sacrament of reconciliation in the Christian tradition.

MA - understand the word ‘reconciliation’ and have an understanding of the nature and

purpose of reconciliation and the sacrament of reconciliation in the Christian tradition.

HA - understand the word ‘reconciliation’ and have a clear understanding of the nature and

purpose of reconciliation and the sacrament of reconciliation in the Christian tradition.


Assessment Task













Term 2



Topics in Module

In this module pupils will study examples of injustice in the world and reflect upon the churches social teaching and their own response these issues.

i. Justice

ii. Poverty

iii. Racism

iv. Justice in action

Assessment: assignment on Christianity and moral issues


i. Justice - 1 week

What is fair?

Freedoms and responsibilities

Amnesty International and Human rights


To explore issues of justice and injustice

To consider some of the practical implications for Christian and their

role as part of that Kingdom in relation to their call to service

To consider the freedoms, rights and responsibilities we have to each other

To explore issues relating the churches social teaching and human rights

ii. Poverty - 1 week

Poverty in the world


To examine issues relating to poverty in the world

To consider the Christian response to this poverty

For pupils to consider their own response to poverty and deprivation

iii. Racism - 1 weeks




To continue the exploration of issues relation to racism - looking at wider forms of racism and prejudice - N.B. if time the Holocaust can be considered - linking in with Y9 history study of the Holocaust

iv. Justice in action - 2 weeks

The life of Martin Luther King or another Christian who has fought injustice


To examine the lives of people who have responded to injustice as a result of their faith in Christ


A time to live

Introducing Moral Issues

Various worksheet













Specific Attainment Objectives

for different ability groups

That pupils would:

p Justice and injustice

SN - Understand the terms justice and injustice

Be aware of an injustice in the world

Consider what they consider to be unjust in the world

LA - Understand the terms justice and injustice

Be aware of injustices in the world

Consider & explain what they consider to be unjust in the world

MA - Understand and be able to explain the terms justice and injustice

Be able to write about examples of injustices in the world

Consider & explain what they consider to be unjust in the world

HA - Understand and be able to explain the terms justice and injustice

Be able to write in detail about examples of injustices in the world

Consider & explain in detail what they consider to be unjust in the world

p Freedom, right, responsibility, duty

SN - be able to identify simple definitions of the above words.

LA - be able to give simple definitions of the above words.

MA - be able to give accurate definitions of the above words.

HA - be able to give accurate definitions and examples of the above words.

p Churches social teaching/Christian belief (To be considered throughout unit)

SN - be aware of the Catholic belief that people are responsible for each other

LA - be aware of the Catholic belief that people are responsible for each other

MA - be able the write about the Catholic belief that people are responsible for each other

HA - be able the write about the Catholic belief that people are responsible for each other



p Poverty in the world

SN - know about an example of poverty in the world

LA - know about an examples of poverty in the world

MA - know about and be able to describe examples of poverty in the world

HA - know about and be able to describe in detail examples of poverty in the world

p The Christian response to poverty

SN - know that scripture teaches us that we have a responsibility to those in need.

LA - know that scripture teaches us that we have a responsibility to those in need.

MA - know that scripture teaches us that we have a responsibility to those in need.

study examples from scripture on Jesus’ teaching (e.g. The Rich Young Man)

HA - know that scripture teaches us that we have a responsibility to those in need.

study examples from scripture on Jesus’ teaching (e.g. The Rich Young Man)

p Racism and prejudice

SN - understand the terms ‘racism’ and ‘prejudice’

consider their own ‘prejudices’

reflect on the injustice of ‘prejudice’

LA - understand the terms ‘racism’ and ‘prejudice’

consider their own ‘prejudices’

reflect on the injustice of ‘prejudice’

MA - understand the terms ‘racism’ and ‘prejudice’

consider their own ‘prejudices’

reflect on the injustice of ‘prejudice’

HA - understand the terms ‘racism’ and ‘prejudice’

consider their own ‘prejudices’

reflect on the injustice of ‘prejudice’

p Christians and injustice

SN - consider the example of a Christian who has fought against injustice (e.g. Martin Luther King)

LA - consider the example of a Christian who has fought against injustice (e.g. Martin Luther King)

MA - consider the example and ideas of a Christian who has fought against injustice (e.g. Martin Luther King)

HA - consider the example and ideas of a Christian who has fought against injustice (e.g. Martin Luther King)







Assessment - assignment on Christianity and moral issues- 2 weeks

Assignment - (Chosen moral issue) and the teaching of scripture

Assignment question based upon an issue about which they feel strongly










Question Middle/High ability

Knowledge and Understanding

Write an assignment on an injustice about which you feel strongly.

Include the following information:

1. The background to the issue you are studying.

2. Relevant Christian teaching.

500 words max. 12 marks


Why do you believe your point of view is right?

Give reasons and show that you have considered

more than one side of the argument.

250 words 8 marks

Question Low ability/SEN

Knowledge and Understanding

Write about something that you think is wrong in the world.

When you write about it include the following information:

1. Background information.

2. What Christians believe about the issue.

300 words max. 12 marks


Why do you believe strongly about the issue you have chosen?

What do other people believe about it?

Why do you think they are wrong and you are right?

150 words 8 marks

Ideas for assignment topics:

Animal rights

The environment

Human rights






War and peace







For pupils to consider a moral issue that they feel strongly about

To consider and explore Christian responses to the issue

To experience writing a GCSE style assignment


A time to live

Introducing Moral Issues

Contemporary Moral Issues

Roman Catholic Christianity

Various books from RE resource area and library

CD ROM’s (The Lion CD Bible and Christianity, Aspects of Religion, INCARTA)





Topics in Module

i. Jesus in the dock

ii. Holy week and the death of Jesus

i. Jesus in the Dock - 3 weeks

Background to the case

The trial begins

The defence and prosecution cases

Was this man from God?


To study of the person and mission of Jesus through the format of a trial

To examine the evidence which demonstrates that Jesus existed

To consider the actions of Jesus and the fact that he acted with the authority of God.

To examine the message of Jesus and what that teaches us his nature.


Jesus in the Dock


Specific Attainment Objectives

That pupils would:

p The evidence

SN - know that the evidence for the life of Jesus is contained in the four Gospels

LA - know that the evidence for the life of Jesus is contained in the four Gospels and know elementary details about the Gospel writers.

MA - know that the evidence for the life of Jesus is contained in the four Gospels and know the details of the Gospel writers.

HA - know that the evidence for the life of Jesus is contained in the four Gospels and know the background details of the Gospel writers.

p The actions of Jesus

SN - know that Jesus behaved and acted like God (Reinterpreting the law, forgiving people)

LA - know that Jesus behaved and acted like God (Reinterpreting the law, forgiving people)

Know about the story in Matthew 9:1-7 where Jesus forgave a man.

MA - know that Jesus behaved and acted like God (Reinterpreting the law, forgiving people)

know about the story where Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath Mark 3:1-6

know about the story in Matthew 9:1-7 where Jesus forgave a man.

HA - know that Jesus behaved and acted like God (Reinterpreting the law, forgiving people)

know and understand the meaning of the story where Jesus healed a man on the

Sabbath Mark 3:1-6

know and understand the meaning of the story in Matthew 9:1-7 where Jesus forgave a man.

p The message of Jesus

SN - understand at a simple level three key themes of Jesus’ teaching: forgiveness;

not judging others; making peace with others.

LA - understand at a simple level three key themes of Jesus’ teaching: forgiveness;

not judging others; making peace with others and have some knowledge of the relevant passages.

MA - understand three key themes of Jesus’ teaching: forgiveness; not judging others;

making peace with others.

have a knowledge of the relevant passages.

HA - have a detailed understanding of the three key themes of Jesus’ teaching: forgiveness;

not judging others; making peace with others.

have a knowledge of the relevant passages.

p Claims about Jesus

SN - consider some of the evidence which supports the belief that Jesus rose from the dead.

LA - consider some of the evidence which supports the belief that Jesus rose from the dead.

MA - consider in detail some of the evidence which supports the belief that Jesus rose from the dead.

HA - consider in detail some of the evidence which supports the belief that Jesus rose from the dead.

Assessment Tasks

Continual Assessment



ii. Holy week and the death of Jesus - 1 week



To continue to examine the work and person of Jesus through the passion of Christ

To consider and meditate upon the passion of Christ and Christian belief in his resurrection











Specific Attainment Objectives

That pupils should:

p The Passion and resurrection

spend some time contemplating the meaning of the passion - that Christ suffered for us, and that he rose again from the dead to conquer sin. To be explored through liturgy and reflection.

Assessment Tasks






Term 3


Topics in Module

1. An introduction to the religion of Islam

2. Group project work


An introduction to Islam - 1 lesson



To briefly introduce pupils to the topic they are going to be studying and give them the guide lines for the project










ii. Group work project - 2 weeks


A group project with a presentation at the end of the two weeks

Topics can be chosen from:

Origins of Islam and the life of Mohammed



The Five Pillars




For pupils to study one aspect of Islam in depth

To learn about different aspects of Islamic belief and practice

To develop independent learning, group and public speaking skills in pupils

Assessment Task

Pupils are divided into groups and given the task below to complete.

They are provided with resources as well as being expected to find out their own sources of information.

Year 9 project on Islam

+ Pupil Task

In groups you are to produce a project on Islam

You will have approximately 2 weeks to do the following:

Research information on the topic you

have been given

· Record you findings in your exercise book

¸ Design and produce a display on the topic

You will then have a further week to:

¹ Prepare a talk to give to the rest of the class



You and your group will be assessed and given a grade. Those who successfully complete the project will receive a certificate of achievement, the group that produces the best pieces of work in all three categories will receive a certificate of achievement with distinction.

To successfully complete the project you must show that:

You have information about the topic in your book

You helped to produce the display (and you must be able to show how)

You have participated fully in the presentation to the rest of the class











Specific Attainment Objectives

Assessment Tasks

That pupils would have:

p Demonstrated the ability to research


p Answered the specific requirements of the task

by displaying relevant knowledge of their

particular topic.

p Demonstrated an ability to work as part

of a team

p Exhibited oral and communication skills

As above and including:

p Written group project

p Personal recording of information gathered

(i.e. notes in books)

p Group presentation





Topics in Module

i. The sanctity of human life

ii. Family life Education (Make love last)


i. The sanctity of human life 2 weeks

The sanctity of human life

Abortion and Euthanasia



To consider the value given to life

To look at the Christian belief in the sanctity of Human life

To explore the issue in relation to Abortion and Euthanasia

To consider some of the consequences in devaluing life with reference to the Holocaust



Family Life Education







Specific Attainment Objectives

Assessment Tasks









ii. Family Life Programme 3 weeks

Make love last








‘Make love Last’ - sex education programme



Specific Attainment Objectives

Assessment Tasks












Preparation for GCSE


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