The Blind Beggar

Luke 18:35-43

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As @esus was comi*g *ear @ericho, there was a b$i*d ma* sitti*g by the road, beggi*g.

Whe* he heard the crowd passi*g by, he asked, "What is this?"

"@esus of Nazareth is passi*g by," they to$d him.

He cried out, "@esus! So* of David! Take pity o* me!"

The peop$e i* fro*t sco$ded him a*d to$d him to be quiet. But he shouted eve* more $oud$y, "So* of David! Take pity o* me!"

So @esus stopped a*d ordered the b$i*d ma* to be brought to him. Whe* he came *ear, @esus asked him,

"What do you wa*t me to do for you?" "Sir," he a*swered, "I wa*t to see agai*."

@esus said to him, "The* see! Your faith has made you we$$."

At o*ce he was ab$e to see, a*d he fo$$owed @esus, givi*g tha*ks to God. Whe* the crowd saw it, they a$$ praised God.

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