Y Mezuzah



























  1. Cut out the Mezuzah model.
  2. Decorate the cover to your Mezuzah: use the symbols of Judaism.
  3. Write your name on the side of the Mezuzah.
  4. Make a scroll of the Shema to go into the Mezuzah (make sure that it is not too big).
  5. Fit the Mezuzah together and fix the scroll inside. (The top flap is to help fix the Mezuzah to the wall or to a display).

Y Shema

Make a Shema Scroll for your Mezuzah

  1. Take a piece of paper (not too big).
  2. Copy the Shema onto the scroll carefully.
  3. Roll up the scroll and fix it into your Mezuzah.

To help you, here is the Shema:

Hear, O Israel,

the Lord your God is one Lord, and you shall love the Lord your God

with all your heart, with all your soul,

and with all your strength.







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