The Stories of the Resurrection

This activity is based on Jesus and the Birth of the Church page 65


Match the Bible References

Look up the Bible references, then match them up the events on the right hand side. Warning: some events turn up more than once.



Matthew 28:1-10

The Women find the empty tomb

Matthew 28:16-20

Jesus returns to heaven


Mark 16:1-8

The Women find the empty tomb

Mark 16:9-11

Jesus appears to Mary Magdalen

Mark 16:12-13

Jesus appears to two on a journey

Mark 16:14

Jesus appears to the disciples


Luke 24:1-12

The women find the empty tomb

Luke 24:13-35

Jesus appears to two on a journey

Luke 24:36-53

Jesus eats with his disciples


John 20:1-10

The women find the empty tomb

John 20:18-23

Jesus appears to the disciples

John 20:24-29

Jesus appears to Thomas

John 21:1-14

Jesus appears by the Sea of Tiberias

John 21:15-24

Jesus speaks to Peter

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