The scheme is broken up into modules which

usually last approximately half a term



1. Creation and human life

Christian belief about the origin and purpose of life and our

response to God’s gift of the earth and the environment

2. Freedom and responsibility

Freedom, rights and responsibilities and how we can respond

to situations of injustice


3. Jesus and the birth of the church

The life and teachings of Jesus

4. Judaism

Jewish belief and practice

5. The suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus

The Passion


6. Christianity and Christian belief

An study of the origins of Christianity and the Christian church today

7. Family life education

Relationships and Catholic belief about marriage

Term 1



Topics in Module

i. Beliefs about the origin and purpose of life

ii. Religion and the environment




i. Beliefs about the origin and purpose of life



To explore the explanations to how and why the earth was created

To consider the ideas of symbolic story and how the Jewish/Christian

tradition has explained the origin and purpose of the world

To see the primary position in creation given to humanity

To consider the role of humanity as steward of the environment

Cross curricular link with English - symbolic story



WTW - CSP3 pg. 32



Specific Attainment Objectives

Assessment Tasks

That pupils would:

p know the creation stories in Genesis 1&2

p know another example of a creation story

Understand the idea of symbolic story




ii. Religion and the environment



To consider the Christian response to God’s gift of the earth and the environment

To explore Jewish/Christian ideas about humanity’s responsibility towards to the stewardship of the environment

In particular:

St Francis’ attitude towards nature

Celtic Christianity and the natural world


WTW - CCV pg. 70-71



Specific Attainment Objectives

Assessment Tasks






Half term




Topics in Module

i. Freedom and responsibility

ii. Sin and reconciliation

iii. The coming of Jesus


i. Freedom and Responsibility

Freedom and responsibility



To consider the idea of freedoms and rights and the responsibilities or duties that should result

To study the exodus story

To explore occasions and situations when freedom is abused and in particular racism - looking at the background to racism - slavery etc. (To be covered in more depth in Y9)

For pupils to consider their own responses to these issues


WTW level - 2 - CCV pg. 26ff

SUTW - unit 3



Specific Attainment Objectives

That pupils would:

p Freedom, right, responsibility, duty

SN - be able to identify simple definitions of the above words.

LA - be able to give simple definitions of the above words.

MA - be able to give accurate definitions of the above words.

HA - be able to give accurate definitions and examples of the above words.

p Exodus

SN - To be able to identify the main parts to the Exodus story

LA - To be able to write an outline of the Exodus story

MA- To be able to write a clear and accurate account of the Exodus story

HA - To be able to write a detailed and accurate account of the Exodus story

Assessment Tasks

Non specific




ii. Sin and reconciliation


Injustice in the world

Forgiveness and Reconciliation


To consider the presence of evil and sin in the world

in the form of injustice and the suffering it causes

To look at an example of injustice

(Endemic poverty, oppression of peoples, etc.)

To consider how we fail on a personal level, how this affects us

To reflect upon the positive effect forgiveness and reconciliation can have

To consider how we can resolve situations of conflict in our lives

To look at the sacrament of reconciliation


SUTW - unit 4

WTW2 - CSP - section on community esp. pg. 19 - 23




Specific Attainment Objectives

That pupils would:

p Sin & conflict

SN - be able to understand on a simple level, the Christian concept of sin able to give examples

of how people sin.

LA - be able to understand the Christian concept of sin able to give examples of how people sin.

MA - be able to explain in detail the Christian concept of sin able to give examples of

how people sin.

HA - be able to explain in detail the Christian concept of sin able to give examples of

how people sin.

p Global conflict

SN - be able to give an example of conflict in the world.

LA - be able to give an example of conflict in the world, describing the main details of the


MA- be able to give an example of conflict in the world and shows some

understanding as to the cause of that conflict.

HA - be able to give a detailed example of conflict in the world and shows some

understanding as to the cause of that conflict.

p Reconciliation and the sacrament of reconciliation

SN - understand the word ‘reconciliation’ and have a basic understanding of the nature and

purpose of reconciliation and the sacrament of reconciliation in the Christian tradition.

LA - understand the word ‘reconciliation’ and have a simple understanding of the nature and

purpose of reconciliation and the sacrament of reconciliation in the Christian tradition.

MA - understand the word ‘reconciliation’ and have an understanding of the nature and

purpose of reconciliation and the sacrament of reconciliation in the Christian tradition.

HA - understand the word ‘reconciliation’ and have a clear understanding of the nature and

purpose of reconciliation and the sacrament of reconciliation in the Christian tradition.

Assessment Tasks






iii. The coming of Jesus


Advent: John the Baptist




To consider advent with reference to John the Baptist as some one who preached repentance

To explore the Christmas story and the belief that Christ came to reconcile sinners


SUTW - unit 5

Just Seniors 1 - pg. 21 - 35

Jesus and the birth of the church pg. 4-11



Specific Attainment Objectives

That pupils would:

p Advent

SN - understand, at a simple level, the Christian belief that Christ came to

reconcile sinners to God.

- have a simple knowledge of at least one of the infancy narratives.

LA - understand, at a simple level, the Christian belief that Christ came to

reconcile sinners to God.

- have a simple knowledge of at least one of the infancy narratives.

MA - understand the Christian belief that Christ came to reconcile sinners to God and have

some knowledge of at least one of the infancy narratives.

HA - understand the Christian belief that Christ came to reconcile sinners to God and have a

knowledge of at least one of the infancy narratives.

p Mary

SN - Know the story of the annunciation and understand the way in which Mary

responded to God’s call.

- consider the Catholic belief about Mary’s role as intercessor.

LA - understand and be able to explain, at a simple level, the role of Mary in scripture and the

way in which she responded to God’s call

- consider the Catholic belief about Mary’s role as intercessor.

MA- understand and be able to explain the role of Mary in scripture and the way in which she

responded to God’s call

- examine the importance of Mary for Christians today and her role as intercessor.

HA - understand and be able to explain in detail the role of Mary in scripture and the way in

which she responded to God’s call

- examine the importance of Mary for Christians today and her role as intercessor.

Assessment Tasks



Term 2



Topics in Module

i. The life and teachings of Jesus


i. The life and teachings of Jesus



To give pupils an insight to the life and teachings of Jesus with

reference to its relevance and implications for Christians today

To give pupils an opportunity to reflect upon their own beliefs in

the light of what they have studied

To study the calling of the disciples

To explore the meaning and purpose of parable

To know about examples of Jesus’ miracles and why he performed them

[To consider examples of modern day miracles]

To study examples of Jesus in conflict with the authorities and the reasons why

To consider prayer in the Bible [and the purpose of prayer today]

To consider our attitudes to other and reflect upon Jesus’ attitudes to others

To consider Gospel claims about Jesus



Jesus and the birth of the church




Specific Attainment Objectives

Assessment Tasks

That pupils would:

p Know stories of the calling of the disciples

p know the meaning and purpose of parable

know an example of a parable

p know about examples of Jesus’ miracles and why he performed them

know examples of nature, healing and exorcism miracles

[considered examples of modern day miracles]

p study examples of Jesus in conflict with the authorities and the reasons why

p consider prayer in the Bible [and the purpose of prayer today]

p To consider Gospel claims about Jesus:

To understand the terms Christ, Son of Man, Lamb of God

p know about the role of Peter in the church

p know about the story of the Transfiguration


To produce a file on Jesus’ ministry encompassing all the areas of information out-lined in the Specific attainment objectives.

Secret Mission

Pupils can explore the life and teachings of Jesus in the form of a secret mission - trouble has been brewing in some of the Roman provinces around the eastern Mediterranean. Each pupil is a Roman spy commissioned by certain individuals in Rome to investigate a man called Jesus of Nazareth. Their mission is to secretly follow him, watch what he is doing, talk to people he has been involved with and find out about any relevant customs and beliefs of the Jews. At the end of the mission pupils should have a file of top secret information on all aspects of his work including an evaluation of his ministry.

The file will be assessed and certificates will be given for a successfully completed mission.


Half term



Topics in Module

i. Jewish belief and practice


i. Jewish belief and practice






To explore the life of Jesus with particular reference to his Jewish religious background

To study the Passover in Judaism at the time of Jesus and the contemporary celebration

To examine examples of contemporary Jewish belief and practice




WTW level 2 relevant sections on Judaism



Specific Attainment Objectives

Assessment Tasks

That pupils would:

p know examples of Jewish belief and practice

p know the origins of the Passover and how religious Jews celebrate the Passover today






Topics in module

i. The Passion of Jesus


i. The Passion of Jesus




To examine the passion of Jesus:

his arrest, trial, crucifixion and resurrection



Jesus and the birth of the church


Specific Attainment Objectives

Assessment Tasks

That pupils would:

p Know about the main events leading up to Jesus’ death - entry into Jerusalem, Passover, arrest, trial, crucifixion

p know about the events surrounding |Jesus’ resurrection




Term 3


Topics in Module

i. The birth of the church

ii. The Christian church through the centuries

i. The birth of the church 3 weeks

Christ is risen - Evidence for the resurrection

New work for the disciples - Ascension, an introduction to the Acts of the Apostles

Jesus keeps his promise - The Holy Spirit and life in the early church

(Pentecost - ‘on fire’)

Lessons for Peter - gentiles become Christians

(Jewish food laws)

The conversion of Saul - Paul begins to tell the world about Jesus

(Famine - responding to the needs of others)

The Christianity arrives in Rome - Paul’s teaching about the Church, love and equality

(Divisions in the world - ‘In Christ there are no divisions’)


To examine the origins and teachings of early Christianity and its effects upon Christians today.



Jesus and the birth of the church page 64ff


Specific Attainment Objectives

Assessment Tasks

That pupils would:

p know the Gospel accounts of the resurrection

p know about the birth of the church at Pentecost and its effect upon the disciples

p know understand Paul’s role in the life of the early church

p be aware of some of Paul’s teachings and their implications for the lives of Christians, in particular

Acts 11: 27-30

Galatians 3: 28


p Assessment Test


Examinations and revision - 2 weeks

Half term

ii. Christianity and Christian belief 3 weeks

Jesus is Lord - What Christians believe

The Eastern Church - Division between East and West

The Eastern Church II - Russia and the middle east

The Roman Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church today

The Anglican church - People and parishes

Some other churches - Methodist, Baptist, Salvation army and others

Christian unity - Council of Churches, Taize



To enable pupils to consider the impact of Christianity upon human history

To explore some significant points in the history of the church

To examine some of the major traditions and beliefs within Christianity:

The Eastern Orthodox Church

The Roman Catholic Church

The Anglican Church

Other churches including the Methodists, Baptists, Salvation Army



The Bible and Christian belief



Specific Attainment Objectives

Assessment Tasks

That pupils would:

p understand some aspects of the impact of Christianity on human history

p know about the major traditions within Christianity and have considered some of their similarities and differences.


p Draw a time line out lining some of the major events in history in relation to Christianity

p Produce a leaflet out lining the beliefs of some of the major Christian traditions




Family life Education 3 weeks

i. Growing in love

ii. Preparing for love

iii. Marriage a vocation

iv. Christian marriage - a sacrament

Liturgy on relationships


To explore human relationships: friendship, family etc.

To consider the foundations upon which good and bad relationships are built

To consider problems that occur in relationships

To consider marriage, the ideals, expectations and realities



Family life Education



Specific Attainment Objectives

Assessment Tasks





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