The Gift of Life

Read ‘Introducing Moral Issues’ pages 80-81, and especially the Newspaper story on page 81. Then answer the following questions.


  1. Who gave birth to the twins?
  2. What were the twins called and how much did they weigh?
  3. What was unusual about the birth?
  4. Why could Rona not have children of her own?
  5. How was Kathleen conceived?
  6. What was different about the twins?
  7. How did Stephanie feel about giving up the children?
  8. If you were Stephanie, would you find it so easy to give up a child?
  9. Do you think that it is right or wrong that babies are conceived in this way? Say why you take this point of view.
  10. Write a letter from Stephanie to Rona on the twins first birthday. Say how you feel in the letter.
  11. Write definitions of the following in your books:
    1. artificial insemination
    2. test-tube babies
    3. egg donation
    4. embryo donation
    5. surrogacy
    6. fertilisation

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