The Background to Mark’s Gospel 1

Political Background: Romans and Jews

Dimensions page 118

Read the section ‘Political Background’ then answer the questions.

Use full sentences. Either copy the question, or use the full sense of the question in your answer.

  1. At the time of Christ, who ruled Palestine (the Holy Land).?
  2. Why did the people look forward to the Messiah?
  3. What sort of person did they think that the Messiah would be?
  4. How did the Romans pay for the upkeep of their empire?
  5. What title did the Romans let Herod the Great use?
  6. Why was it strange that Herod should have this title?
  7. When Herod Archelaus was deposed, who was appointed in his place?
  8. What did people call those who thought a king like Herod would solve the problems of Israel?
  9. Who employed the tax-collectors?
  10. Give two reasons why Jews hated the tax-collectors.
  11. Who were the Zealots?
  12. Why did the Zealots think it was all right to use violence?
  13. Can you think of a group nowadays who are like the zealots?
  14. Which apostle was a Zealot?
  15. How did the Jews feel about the Samaritans?
  16. How did this feeling affect travel for the Jews?

Dimensions page 125

  1. Copy the map into your books.



The Background to Mark’s Gospel 2

Mark: Who, what, why, where and when?


Mark: A Gospel for today page 17-18

Read the sections noted, then answer the questions which follow.

Use full sentences. Either copy the question, or use the full sense of the question in your answer.


What is a Gospel? (pages 17 and 18)

  1. What does the word Gospel mean?
  2. Why did the first Christians use this word?
  3. Why did the earliest Christians not write down the stories of Jesus?
  4. After how many years - do people think - the first Christians started to write things down?
  5. What are the names of the Gospel writers?
  6. Briefly, give the three main reasons why they wrote down the Gospel.
  7. In what ways are the Gospels like modern biographies?
  8. In what ways are the Gospels not like modern biographies?
  9. Why are the Gospels important for Christians today?


Who was Mark (page 18)

  1. According to Christian tradition, which other name did Mark have?
  2. Where was his home?
  3. What was the name of his mother?
  4. Why did Mark travel with Saint Paul?
  5. Why - do people think - Mark left the journey early?
  6. Which apostle does tradition say Mark was close to?
  7. What did Papias say about Mark?
  8. Give two reasons why some people are not sure that the writer of Mark’s Gospel is the same person as John Mark.
  9. What reasons are there for saying that Mark’s Gospel does have a connection with Saint Peter?

When and where was Mark written? (page 18-19)

  1. What was happening in AD 64 in Rome?
  2. What points to this as the time when Mark was writing?
  3. Why could the Gospel of Mark not have been much later than this?
  4. What reasons are there for saying that Mark’s Gospel was written in Rome?
  5. Why is Mark’s Gospel an especially important source for the life of Jesus?




The Background to Mark’s Gospel 3

The Sources of the Gospel

Mark: A Gospel for today p19-20 & Dimensions p122

Read the sections noted, then answer the questions which follow.

Use full sentences. Either copy the question, or use the full sense of the question in your answer.

The Synoptic Problem (p19-20)