It was evening. Jesus decided to go in the boat to the other side of the Sea of Galilee.
There was a great storm, and the waves were even coming into the boat. Jesus was in the back of the boat asleep. The disciples woke him and said: "Teacher, don't you care that we are going to die?"
Jesus rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!" The wind stopped, and the sea was dead calm. Jesus said to the disciples, "Why are you afraid? Haven't you got any faith in me?"
The disciples were amazed and said: "Who is this, then - even the wind and sea obey him?"
Fill the gaps
It was ___________________ . Jesus decided to go in the ___________________ to the other side of the Sea of ___________________ . There was a great storm, and the ___________________ were even coming into the boat. Jesus was in the back of the boat ___________________ . The disciples woke him and said: "___________________ , don't you care that we are going to die?"
Jesus ___________________ the wind, and said to the sea,
"___________________ ! Be still!" The wind stopped, and the sea was dead
___________________ . Jesus said to the disciples, "Why are you afraid?
Haven't you got any ___________________ in me?" The ___________________ were amazed and said: "Who is this, then -
even the ___________________ and sea obey him?"
(A) Jesus said to the disciples, "Why are you afraid? Haven't you got any faith in me?"
(B) The disciples were amazed and said: "Who is this, then - even the wind and sea obey him?"
(C) It was evening. Jesus decided to go in the boat to the other side of the Sea of Galilee.
(D) Jesus rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!"
(E) The wind stopped, and the sea was dead calm.
(F) There was a great storm, and the waves were even coming into the boat.
(G) Jesus was in the back of the boat asleep. The disciples
woke him and said: "Teacher, don't you care that we are
going to die?"
Put your answers here:
Do a poster, based on the story, with the title
Jesus was tired, and he decided to go for a rest. He went by boat to a deserted place. Many people saw where they were going, and went on ahead to meet them. When Jesus got off the boat he saw the crowd, and he felt sorry for them. He decided to teach them.
When it got late, the disciples said to Jesus 'Send the people away to get something to eat'
But Jesus said 'You feed them'.
The disciples said 'We haven't got enough money to buy food for all this crowd,'
Jesus said 'How much food have you got - go and see'
The disciples came back to Jesus and said, "Five loaves, and two fish."
Jesus told everyone to sit down on the grass. He blessed the loaves and fish, and gave them to the disciples to hand out to everyone. Everyone had enough to eat and was full: what was left filled twelve baskets.
Five thousand men were there.
In this story, there are:
Two _________________
Five _________________
Twelve _________________
5,000 _________________
Jesus was tired, and he ___________________ to go for a rest. He went by ________________ to a deserted place. Many people saw where they were ________________ , and went on ahead to meet them. When ________________ got off the boat he saw the crowd, and he felt ______________ for them. He decided to ________________ them.
When it got late, the disciples said to Jesus
'Send the people away to get something to ________________ But Jesus said '________________ feed them'. The disciples said 'We haven't got enough
______________ to buy food for all this crowd,' Jesus said 'How
________________ food have you got - go and see' The disciples came back
to Jesus and said, "Five ________________ , and two fish." Jesus told everyone to sit down
on the ___________________ . He blessed the loaves and ___________________ , and gave them to the disciples to hand out to everyone.
Everyone had ___________________ to eat and was full: what was left filled twelve
___________________ . Five thousand ___________________ were there.
Reorder the sentences and put letters in the
boxes below.
(A) Jesus told everyone to sit down on the grass. He blessed the loaves and fish, and gave them to the disciples to hand out to everyone.
(B) Many people saw where they were going, and went on ahead to meet them.
(C) The disciples came back to Jesus and said, "Five loaves, and two fish."
(D) Jesus was tired, and he decided to go for a rest. He went by boat to a deserted place.
(E) The disciples said 'We haven't got enough
money to buy food for all this crowd,'
Write a news story, reporting on the feeding of
the 5,000. Have a headline such as:
(F) When it got late, the disciples said to Jesus 'Send the people away to get something to eat'
(G) When Jesus got off the boat he saw the crowd, and he felt sorry for them. He decided to teach them.
(H) Jesus said 'How much food have you got - go and see'
(I) Five thousand men were there.
(J) Everyone had enough to eat and was full: what was left filled twelve baskets.
(K) But Jesus said 'You feed them'.
The Daughter of the Syro-Phoenician Woman
Jesus went away to the region of Tyre. Jesus went a house where he thought no one would find him.
But a woman came to see him. She had a daughter who was ill with a demon. The woman came and bowed down before Jesus. The woman was not a Jew, but a Gentile, from Syro-Phoenicia. The Woman begged Jesus to cast the demon out of her daughter.
Jesus said to her, "Feed the children first. You can't give the children's food to dogs."
The woman answered Jesus, "But even dogs get the crumbs from under the table."
Then Jesus said to her, "Well said! Go then -- the demon has left your daughter."
The Woman went home. She found the child lying
on the bed. She was well again.
Jesus went away to the ___________________ of Tyre. Jesus went a house where he ___________________ no one would find him. But a woman came to see him. She had a ___________________ who was ill with a demon. The woman came and ___________________ down before Jesus. The woman was not a Jew, but a ___________________ , from Syro-Phoenicia. The Woman begged Jesus to cast the ___________________ out of her daughter. Jesus said to her, "Feed the ___________________ first. You can't give the children's food to ___________________ ." The woman answered Jesus, "But even dogs get the ___________________ from under the table." Then ___________________ said to her, "Well ___________________ ! Go then -- the demon has left your daughter." The Woman went home. She found the child ___________________ on the bed. She was well again.
Put these sentences in the right order.
(A) But a woman came to see him. She had a daughter who was ill with a demon.
(B) Jesus said to her, "Feed the children first. You can't give the children's food to dogs."
(C) Jesus went a house where he thought no one would find him.
(D) Jesus went away to the region of Tyre.
(E) The woman answered Jesus, "But even dogs get the crumbs from under the table."
(F) The Woman begged Jesus to cast the demon out of her daughter.
(G) The woman came and bowed down before Jesus. The woman was not a Jew, but a Gentile, from Syro-Phoenicia.
(H) The Woman went home. She found the child lying on the bed. She was well again.
(I) Then Jesus said to her, "Well said! Go then -- the
demon has left your daughter."
Write your answer here:
Draw a Cartoon version of this Section tory. Use bubbles for the words of Jesus and the woman.
The Healing of the Paralytic
Jesus came back to Capernaum. People found out he was at home. A great crowd gathered around the house. There were so many people that no one could get to the door. Some people came, carrying a paralysed man.
They couldn't get to Jesus, so they made a hole in the roof and lowered the man down to Jesus. Jesus was amazed how much they believed in him, so he said to the paralysed man, "Son, your sins are forgiven."
Some of the scribes who were sitting there said to themselves 'This is blasphemy! Only God can forgive sins!' Jesus knew what they were saying to themselves, so he said to them: 'Which is it easiest to say "Your sins are forgiven" or "Take up your mat and walk" Jesus went on: 'So to prove that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins' he said to the paralysed man 'Take up your bed and walk'.
The man picked up his mat and walked in front
of them. Everyone said: 'This is amazing. We've never seen
anything like this before.'
Jesus came back to ___________________ . People found out he was at home.
A great ___________________ gathered around the house. There were so many ___________________ that no one could get to the door. Some people came, carrying a ___________________ man. They couldn't get to Jesus, so they made a ___________________ in the roof and lowered the man down to Jesus.
Jesus was ___________________ how much they believed in him, so he said to the paralysed man, "Son, your sins are ___________________ ." Some of the scribes who were sitting there said to themselves 'This is ___________________ ! Only God can forgive ___________________ !' Jesus knew what they were saying to themselves, so he said to them: 'Which is it easiest to say "Your sins are forgiven" or "Take up your mat and ___________________ ". So to prove that the Son of Man has ___________________ to forgive sins' he said to the paralysed ___________________ 'Take up your bed and walk'." The man picked up his mat and walked in front of them.
Everyone said: 'This is amazing. We've never seen
___________________ like this before.'
(A) They couldn't get to Jesus, so they made a hole in the roof and lowered the man down to Jesus.
(B) The man picked up his mat and walked in front of them.
(C) Some people came, carrying a paralysed man.
(D) Some of the scribes who were sitting there said to themselves 'This is blasphemy! Only God can forgive sins!'
(E) Jesus was amazed how much they believed in him, so he said to the paralysed man, "Son, your sins are forgiven."
(F) Jesus knew what they were saying to themselves, so he said to them: 'Which is it easiest to say "Your sins are forgiven" or "Take up your mat and walk" So to prove that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins' he said to the paralysed man 'Take up your bed and walk'.
(G) Jesus came back to Capernaum. People found out he was at home.
(H) Everyone said: 'This is amazing. We've never seen anything like this before.'
(I) A great crowd gathered around the house. There were so many people that no one could get to the door.
Write your answer here: