Holy Week Activities
Copy out the words below and fill in the gaps. Holy Week On Palm Sunday Jesus came into _____________ Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowds cheered. On Monday Jesus turned the ____________ tables over in the temple. On Tuesday, Jesus taught in the temple. On Wednesday, Judas decided to ______________ betray Jesus. On ______________ Maundy Thursday, Jesus celebrated the Last Supper. He went to pray in the Garden of ______________ Gethsemane and he was arrested. On Good Friday he was ______________ condemned to death and executed. On Saturday it was the __________________ Sabbath, when all Jews rested from work. On Sunday the women came to the tomb and found that it was empty! Jesus had ___________________ risen from the dead. WORDS: betray, condemned, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, Maundy, risen, Sabbath, tables. |