Peter - a disciple and leader

Read this passage and answer the questions on file paper.

Disciples & Apostles

Disciple means follower. Jesus had many disciples, men and women.
The Apostles were twelve followers specially chosen by Jesus. They all were men.

  1. What does ‘disciple’ mean?
  2. What does ‘apostle’ mean?

Peter the Disciple and Apostle

Peter was a disciple of Jesus. Before he followed Jesus he had been a fisherman. His real name was Simon, but Jesus gave him the name ‘Peter’. Peter means ‘Rock’. Jesus chose Peter to be the leader of the twelve apostles.

  1. What was Peter’s real name?
  2. What does the name ‘Peter’ mean?

Peter the close follower

Peter was with Jesus at very important moments in his ministry. For example, he went with Jesus on the mountain when Jesus changed in appearance. This is called the Transfiguration. He was also close to Jesus when he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, just before he was arrested.

  1. Name one important occasion when Peter was with Jesus.

Peter misunderstood Jesus

But Peter didn’t always understand Jesus. For example, when Jesus explained that he was going to suffer, Peter argued with him so much, that Jesus said to him ‘Get behind me, Satan’

  1. Give an example of a time when Peter didn’t understand Jesus.


Peter denied Jesus

Peter also let Jesus down. Jesus told the disciples that they would all run away when he was arrested, but Peter said he wouldn’t. Jesus told Peter that by the time he heard the cock crow, he would deny Jesus three times. Peter didn’t believe it. But when Jesus was arrested, at first Peter ran away. Then he went to the High Priests’ House where Jesus was. Three times people came up to Peter. They said they recognised him. They said that they could tell that he was a follower of Jesus because of the way he spoke (he had an accent). Each time Peter said he did not know Jesus. After the third time, the cock crowed, and Peter remembered what Jesus had said.

  1. Explain, in detail, what happened when Peter denied that he knew Jesus.

Peter, the first Pope

After Jesus died, Peter was one of the disciples who saw him, risen from the dead. Peter became the leader of the first Christians. He was the first Bishop of Rome and so the first Pope.

  1. What important job did Peter have after Jesus had risen from the dead?

Peter, a good or bad leader?

Some people may think that Peter was a bad choice of leader, because he had let Jesus down, but other people think that he was a good choice. This is because he had learnt by his mistakes and he knew that no one is perfect apart from Jesus.

  1. Why do some people think Peter might not be a good choice as a Christian leader?
  2. Why do some people think Peter was a very good choice as a leader of the Church?

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