The Call of the Disciples

Mark 1:16-20

  1. Where was Jesus walking when he called Simon and Andrew?
  2. What were Simon and Andrew doing at the time?
  3. What did Jesus say to them?
  4. What did they do?
  5. James and John were brothers. What was the name of their father?

    Mark 3:13-19

  7. Where was Jesus when he called the twelve to him?
  8. He sent them out to preach and … - what?
  9. Jesus called James and John ‘Boanerges’ – what did this mean?
  10. One Simon was given the name Peter. What does Mark tell us about the other Simon?
  11. What does Mark tell us about the last apostle who he names?

GCSE RE Test Answers

The Call of the Disciples

Mark 1:16-20

  1. Where was Jesus walking when he called Simon and Andrew? by the lakeside
  2. What were Simon and Andrew doing at the time? casting a net into the lake
    (fishing=½ mark)
  3. What did Jesus say to them? Come, follow me – and I will make your fishers of men
    (½ mark for each part)
  4. What did they do? Left their nets at once and followed him (½ for each part)
  5. James and John were brothers. What was the name of their father? Zebedee
  6. Mark 3:13-19

  7. Where was Jesus when he called the twelve to him? on a mountainside
  8. He sent them out to preach and … - what? cast out demons
  9. Jesus called James and John ‘Boanerges’ – what did this mean? Sons of thunder
  10. One Simon was given the name Peter. What does Mark tell us about the other Simon? He was a Zealot
  11. What does Mark tell us about the last apostle who he names? He betrayed Jesus

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