The Commission: Jesus sends out the disciples
Use these words: always, authority, commanded, disciples, everywhere, Father.
Matthew 28:18-20
In this story, Jesus speaks to his disciples after he had risen from the dead. He tells then what they must do.
18 Jesus drew near and said to them, "I have been given all ___________________ authority in heaven and on earth.
19 Go, then, to all peoples ___________________ everywhere and make them my ___________________ disciples: baptize them in the name of the ___________________ Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
20 and teach them to obey everything I have ___________________ commanded you. And I will be with you ___________________ always, to the end of the age."
When did Jesus say these words to his disciples?
Where did Jesus tell the disciples to go?
What must the disciples try to make everyone?
What did Jesus tell the disciples to do to everyone?
What did Jesus tell the disciples to teach?
How long did Jesus say he would be with his disciples?
Do you think the Church have followed what Jesus said?
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