Eucharist IV Not all Christians believe exactly the same things. Most Christians try to work in a friendly way with their fellow Christians, but there are still disagreements about some things. Sadly, the Eucharist is one of the things about which Christians disagree. Some of these differences are found in the Eucharist. Different Christians celebrate the Eucharist in different ways. Questions Copy the passage, filling in the gaps. Roman Catholics The Mass is the most important act of ___________________ worship. It is a ___________________ sacrifice when the bread and wine turn into Jesus Body and Blood. It is celebrated every Sunday. Only ___________________ Catholics can take communion in a Catholic Church. Orthodox The Liturgy is the main Sunday Service. In some places they might take communion only once a ___________________ year. The Church of England The Eucharist is usually the main Sunday Service. Members of any ___________________ Christian Church can take communion. Methodists. The Communion service might happen only once a ___________________ month. Usually ___________________ anyone who is a Christian can take communion with them. Activity Do a table of the different Christian groups and what they believe about the Eucharist. Use this layout: