1. Set Text Test

  1. Mark 14:12-31
  1. When Jesus tells the disciples to prepare for the Passover he appears to have special knowledge about what would happen. Name one other occasion in Mark, when Jesus seems to know what will happen.
    Preparation for Last Supper
  2. Which day of the festival was this and what did the Jews do on this day?
    First day of Unleavened bread when they killed the lambs for the Passover.
  3. One of the twelve would dip his bread in the dish with Jesus. Which one would this be?
    The one who would betray him
  4. What did Jesus say the bread ad wine were?
    His body and blood
  5. What did Jesus’ blood seal?
    God’s covenant.
  6. When did Jesus say he would next drink wine?
    in the Kingdom of God
  7. After they had sung a hymn, where did they go?
    To the mount of olives
  8. What did Jesus predict his disciples would all do?
    Run away
  9. Which disciple said he would not do this (the answer to 8)?
  10. Where did Jesus say he would go after he rose from the dead?

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