An Outline of the Mass To complete this worksheet you need to refer to Dimensions pages 84 and 85. Copy out the passage which follows into your files. Fill in the gaps with the words given, underlining the word you have chosen. The Mass The ___________________ Mass is the most important service for Catholics. Catholics meet together for Mass every ___________________ Sunday. In many churches there are also Masses on weekdays. At Mass, people listen to the Bible, pray, and sing ___________________ hymns or songs. Greeting and Penitential Rite The priest ___________________ greets the people by saying The Lord be with you. This reminds them that ___________________ Jesus is with them. In the Penitential ___________________ Rite the people show that they are sorry for their sins. The Liturgy of the Word The Liturgy of the ___________________ Word is made of readings from the Bible, and the priests sermon or ___________________ homily. The most important reading is from the ___________________ Gospel, because it contains the words of Jesus. The Creed and Prayers of the Faithful The Creed is a summary of what people ___________________ believe, and the Prayers of the Faithful are a series of ___________________ prayers asking for Gods ___________________ help. The Offertory The Offertory is when the gifts of bread and ___________________ wine are brought to the _____________ altar. There may also be a collection of ______________ money too. The Eucharistic Prayer The Eucharistic Prayer is the most ______________ important prayer in the service. At the heart of the prayer is ______________ consecration of the gifts of bread and wine, when the priest remembers Jesus ___________________ Last Supper. The Our Father and Sign of Peace The people ask for the food of _____________ eternal life and for forgiveness in the ___________ Lords Prayer. They also shake hands to share a _________ sign of peace. Communion Everyone receives ___________________ communion with Christ under the form of bread, as the person giving communion says The ___________________ Body of Christ. In many Churches communion is also given under the form of ___________________ wine, the Blood of Christ. The Blessing At the end of ___________________ Mass the priest gives a blessing and sends everyone out into the ___________________ world to do good works for their ___________________ neighbour. |