St Giles R.C. Primary School

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Caring for boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 11 years

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St Giles R.C. Primary School
Charles Street, Cheadle, Stoke on Trent tel. (01538) 123456

Criteria for Admission

The Admission Policy of the Governors of St. Giles' R.C. Primary School is as follows:-

The school's Standard Number is 30.

The Governors have an agreement with the Local Education Authority under Section 413(1) of the 1996 Education Act which allows us to reserve the right to ensure that no less than 75% of the children in each year group will be Baptised Catholic children.

If the number of applications exceeds the Standard Number places will be allocated in the following order of priority:-

1. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Giles' who have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission.

2. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Giles'.

3. Baptised Catholic children living outside the Parish of St. Giles' who have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission.

4. Baptised Catholic children living outside the Parish of St. Giles'.

5. Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission.

6. Non-Catholic children - priority will be given to those children who have been baptised or whose parents can provide a letter of support from a recognised minister of religion.

7. Non-Catholic children.


a) Details of the Parish boundaries are available from the school.

b) If there is oversubscription within a category, the Governors will give priority to children living closest to the school as the crow flies from the front door of the school to their home.

c) Any parent who is aggrieved by the refusal of the Governors to admit hislher child to St. Giles' should first ask (in writing) the Chairman of Governors to arrange for reconsideration of the decision. If, following this request, the Governors adhere to their previous decision, the parents may lodge a formal appeal. Details of the procedure for this may be obtained from the school.

d) The school year runs from 1 st September to 31 st August following.

e) Places will be offered dependent on production of Nursery Vouchers where applicable.

f) The waiting list of unsuccessful applicants for places which may become vacant will be retained by the Governors.