St Giles R.C. Primary School

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Caring for boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 11 years

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St Giles R.C. Primary School
Charles Street, Cheadle, Stoke on Trent tel. (01538) 123456

Special Needs

We recognise that all children at St. Giles' are special, that each child has a potential and it is our aim to encourage that child to reach that level whatever it is. Where a child has a particular need outside support is sought and agencies come into school to help. At all times parents and the child are involved in every decision.

Because of recent legislation concerning children with learning problems, a detailed policy has been drawn up by Governors. This is available in school for all to inspect at any reasonable time. It reflects all we do at St. Giles' for all children whatever their ability, weaknesses or strengths.

Family Life and Sex Education

St. Giles' is a Roman Catholic school and the moral aspects of family life and sex education are taught in accordance with the precepts of the Roman Catholic Church.

As the child moves through the school, the sex education is geared to their stage of development, not simply concerning itself with basic facts, but allowing the children to develop a growing awareness of themselves, their place in society, their relationship with others. As they grow in maturity the wider will be the range of sex issues brought to their attention. Parents are always kept informed of this process and if anything of a specific sexual nature is to be discussed, either in class or by outside agencies, the parents have the right to withdraw the child if so desired.