Welcome to Chat Rooms. Share ideas, news, resources and information with
colleagues, or simply vent your frustrations in our on-line discussion pages.
Web Site Critique - Why not become a web site
critic and give your thoughts on sites you have visited? We would like to know the ones to
avoid as well as the ones that offer something worthwhile. Please always supply the
Internet adress (URL) for the site.
Issues in Education - a discussion group for topical
issues in education in general.
General Chat - just an area to talk about things in
Special Needs - a forum for discussion on special
educational needs and the role of the SENCO.
Curriculum Debate - a forum for discussions on the
National Curriculum.
Teaching the Curriculum - suggestions on how to
teach parts of the curriculum.
Teacher Training - designed for associate teachers
and lecturers involved in this area.
Management in Schools - A forum for teachers
involved in the management of some area of school.
Suggest a Discussion Group
- simply email us if you would like a discussion group on a particular topic or category
to be introduced.
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