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Painsley was granted Eco-School status in 1999

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"Homework is set regularly and is well linked to classroom work .... Teachers mark carefully and their comments are helpful to pupils."

Ofsted, April 1997

A homework timetable is issued for parents' information at the start of the academic year.  The length of time allocated will vary according to the pupil's age and the course of studies followed.  It will help your child and us if supervision of homework is carried out by parents (you may wish to sign their homework diary / journal as an indication that you have seen it).  Should parents have any queries over the quantity or regularity of homework, please c the school.

The reasons for setting homework are:-

  1. Over the five years of secondary schooling regular homework can be the equivalent of up to an additional year of schooling.
  2. To enable pupils to develop independent learning skills that will be invaluable at examination time.
  3. To enable pupils to practice and extend the skills and knowledge gained during class.
  4. To test pupils' understanding of what they have learned.
  5. To prepare for future lessons.

Pupil Journals

All pupils are issued with a journal or homework diary.  The main purpose of this is to enable pupils to record all of their homeworks in one place; it also allows you, the parents, and us to monitor their homework.  All homework should be noted in the journal and this should correspond to the homework timetable.

The journal is also an additional source of communication between home and school: please use it for short notes to teachers and try to sign it each week.  The form teacher will check and sign it periodically.

Coursework, done at home, is an important element of courses in Years 10 and 11.


In addition to homework, pupils must also:

  1. attempt to familiarise themselves with the main ideas and facts covered in all the different subject lessons of that school day; and
  2. revise the work covered in previous weeks in order to secure a sound knowledge of the subject.

The above approach to homework and study will build self-discipline, aid progress and provide the firm basis for later work.  It requires the support of parents and pupils to negotiate the time necessary for study and leisure activities.

In addition to formal written work it is hoped that parents will encourage their children to read a variety of books, which can be obtained either from the school library or from your local library, so as to enrich their education and to improve their knowledge and understanding of studies, hobbies and interests.

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Painsley was awarded Beacon School status in 1998

Sportsmark Award from the English Sports Council

Painsley is a partner in the Moorlands Sixth Form Centre

You are visiting the Web Site of Painsley Catholic High School.  
Date last edited: 10/01/02

E-mail us at [email protected]
Telephone: 01538 483944
Address: Station Road, Cheadle, S-O-T, Staffordshire, ST10 1LH

Web site developed and managed by Peter Challinor, (ICT Manager) and Peter Weatherby (School Chaplain).
Other contributors - Pat Forbes (Admin officer) and Nicky Green.