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The GCSE Text book for Religious Studies at Painsley RC High School

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St. Mark Roman Catholic Tradition

1 Authority

1.1 Who wrote it?
1.2 Where and why was it written?

2 The Person of Jesus

2.1 Son of God
2.2 Son of Man
2.3 Jesus/Saviour
2.4 Messiah/Christ/Son of David
2.5 Titles of Jesus for modern Christians

3. Suffering, Death and Resurrection

4 The Resurrection Faith

5 The Christian Community

5.1 the Kingdom of God
5.2 the sayings of the Kingdom
5.3 Jesus and the children
5.4 Entry into the Kingdom
5.5 Leadership

6 Faith and Prayer

7 Discipleship

8 Worship

8.1 the Sabbath
8.2 the Eucharist


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9 Christian Initiation

9.1 Baptism
9.2 Confirmation.

10 Vocation and Commitment

10.1 The Sermon on the Mount
10.2 The Ten Commandments
10.3 Christian Responsibility
10.4 Priesthood
10.5 Religious Orders
10.6 Lay Ministry
10.7 Service and Sacrifice
Mother Teresa
Martin Luther King
Maximilian Kolbe
Oscar Romero

11 Eucharist.

11.1 Catholic Action against Poverty
11.2 Work and Employment

12. Discipleship

12.1 Parables of the Kingdom

13. Marriage and Divorce

14 The Sanctity of Life

14.1 Christian Attitude to Death
14.2 The Sacrament of the Sick
14.3 Abortion
14.4 Euthanasia

15 Christian Justice and Reconciliation

15.1 Biblical texts
15.2 The Sacrament of Penance
15.3 Crime and Punishment
15.4 Just War