xianfilesbutton.gif (2396 bytes)11: The Eucharist

(See also the chapter on the Eucharist in the Mark’s Gospel part of the book)

mass.TIF (15528 bytes)Many people wonder why the Catholic Church insists that its members attend Sunday mass, unless physically prevented by illness, etc. The reason is that Catholics take the eucharist seriously. If you really believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is present in the eucharist, and that when you receive eucharist you bring Jesus into your life in an intimate and profound way, you cannot do anything other than take eucharist seriously. Of course, you can attend mass without receiving communion, and to do so is better than not going to mass, but you are missing the best part of the ceremony.

It is important to realise that Catholics believe that Christ is really present through and in the consecrated elements of bread and wine, which become the body and blood of Christ. Therefore, when Catholics receive communion they bring Christ into their very selves. This is a deeply spiritual moment, and Catholics treasure it greatly.

Catholics are aware that when they receive Christ in the eucharist they are bringing into their lives a power for good. They are aware that through the eucharist Christ strengthens them to do good in their lives, gives them the strength to work in his cause and sanctifies them, that is makes them more holy. Really, Christianity is a close personal relationship with Christ, and eucharist is the expression of this closeness.

taskTask RC 1

If you had to explain to a non-Catholic why Catholics attend mass on Sundays, what would you say? (A paragraph please)

taskTask RC 2

Explain why Catholics value the eucharist (Holy Communion).
(This needs a paragraph).

taskTask RC 3

The Catholic Church keeps some consecrated hosts in the tabernacle, and many Catholics spend time praying in church before the tabernacle, where the host is kept, focusing their attention on the host. Sometimes the host is exposed for worship, and Catholics will pray before it. What do you think this custom means to them?

taskTask RC 4

One custom of the Catholic Church is the taking of the eucharist to the sick. Why do you think Catholic people who are sick and bedridden value this practice?

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