Giving to CAFOD

CAFOD raises funds from within the Catholic community and beyond so that it can

empower people in need regardless of their race, gender, religion or politics to bring about change through development and relief programmes overseas;

raise public awareness of poverty and injustice, increasing understanding of the world-wide interdependence of rich and poor, and creating the will to change unjust structures and lifestyles; and

act as an advocate for the poor, articulating a clear analysis of the underlying causes of poverty and challenging governments and international bodies to adopt policies which incorporate the principles of social justice.

CAFOD's work around the Third World has been made possible by a wonderful response from the parishes, schools, religious communities and thousands of individuals who offer their financial support so generously and loyally.

If you would like to give to CAFOD, or would like further information, these are the people to contact:

Kim Kelly (Fundraising Project Administrator)
[email protected]

Michael Newsome (Marketing Co-ordinator)
[email protected]

Philippa Winter (Community Fundraising Co-ordinator)
[email protected]

Jeremy Prall (Corporate Relations Co-ordinator)
[email protected]

Pat Merrett (Parish Fundraising Administrator)
[email protected]

Romero Close, Stockwell Road
London SW9 9TY
Telephone 0171 733 7900
Fax 0171 274 9630

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Justice and Peace  is part of the Web Site of Painsley RC High School