CAFOD Campaigns
The CAFOD Millennium Campaign

What is CAFOD's new campaign all about?

CAFOD's Millenium Campaign -- Fair Deal for the Poor - focuses on issues of work and debt.

Work Action Sheet
Workers have rights which Catholic teaching has consistently maintained are superior to the rights of capital. These include the right to decent work, to just wages, to security of employment, to adequate rest and holidays, to limitation of hours of work, to health and safety protection, to non-discrimination, to form and join trade unions, and, as a last resort, to go on strike."

Debt Action Sheet
"The leaders of rich nations should look to the Bible for inspiration. Every 50 years you make a new beginning - this is the Jubilee principle in the book of Leviticus. You cancel any debts still owed; if there are slaves, you set them free - it is a chance for renewal for everybody." Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Campaign Update (Summer 1998)

Jubilee 2000

Poor countries are diverting money which could be invested in eradicating poverty to pay interests on debts that are unpayable. To make a fresh start, we believe it right to put behind us the mistakes made by both lenders and borrowers, and to cancel the backlog of unpayable debts of the most impoverished nations.
We call upon the leaders of the lending nations to write off these debts by the year 2000
. Sign now

A New Covenant with the Poor a programme of preparation and celebration

In the light of the biblical tradition of jubilee - a time when debts were forgiven, land restored and slaves freed - the Pope insists that a new deal for the poor and the outcast must be at the heart of the Church's celebrations

Taking up this call to action, CAFOD has embarked on a Millennium Jubilee Programme of prayer, renewal and action. At the heart of CAFOD's response is an invitation to the Catholic community in England and Wales to share in God's commitment to the poorest of God's family in the Third World.

CAFOD Shoe Action
When you buy a pair of shoes, you may be getting more than you bargained for. Support the call for codes of conduct for the shoe trade. Support our campaign and sign our code of conduct card

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Parish Resources

CAFOD's Policy Briefings


Headlines from Catholic World News

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