Physics tries to describe as simply and as completely as possible, the nature and the
behaviour of the world around us.
The links below take you to topics within Physics.
Think about it ...
Look away from the screen for a moment and look at the room you are in. As I do this
myself, I see a bright spotlight causing shadows to play about the keyboard. I can feel
its heat on my left arm. The light causes the colours of the things around me to change.
As I type I can hear the sound of the computer's internal fan and the clunking of the
sticky keys on my keyboard. Sticky because of the perspiration from my body. In front of
me is a photograph of my college friends taken over fifteen years ago.
Wherever you are, you won't have to look far to find things equally complicated and
marvellous. The mind you are using now, to consider these matters is one of the most
complicated and marvellous structures that can be imagined.
A complete description of the material world must include the light from the spotlamp,
the shadows and heat it generates, the sound of the computer, the photograph of my friends
and the perspiration from my body. Do we have a complete description of the world? The
answer is no, in fact nowhere near. But we are trying to get there. That's why science is
fun. There's always something to discover or create.
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