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25 ways to save the planet! (age 12+)

A list of ways to save energy and resources in addition to scoring how well you are doing. From The Centre for Alternative Technology. See also their page called Global Enemies which looks at the main environmental issues.

Why do 'they' favour simple products?
Why should you avoid going by plane?
How do you feel about the ideas here?
What perils face us as we enter the next century?

Coastal marine management (age 15-17)

Coral Cay Conservation provide resources for third world countries, Belize, Indonesia and the Philippines at present, for research into coastal marine management. They have the backing of David Bellamy and they provide education packs for schools. If you're interested in diving in tropical seas then there's something here for you.

Look at the section on Belize and explain what the problem is.
Do likewise for Indonesia and the Philippines.
What solutions are Coral Cay proposing to address these problems?

Pressures on the environment (age 16-18)

The government's Environment Agency aims to protect or enhance the environment as a whole and to compile information about the environment. The Agency's responsibilities include the management of radioactive and other forms of waste, pollution control, the management of water including water resources, flood defence, freshwater fisheries and conservation. Visit The Environment Agency to find out

Why might you be cautious about bathing at the seaside?
What can you find out about acid rain - is it a problem in this country?
How is the air polluted?
Why is wildlife and biodiversity of concern?

Butterfly survey / Water purity (age 16-18)

A well documented example of a real scientific expedition to the Amazon rainforest. Here at Netspedition the team study the butterfly population and test the water.

Why are the team testing the water?
What are they doing to the butterflies?
How is technology helping this modern day expedition?
What are they hoping to find out?
If you can find out: how will this benefit the rest of us?

Acid rain (Age 15+)

This page of questions and answers about acid rain. For the to the questions below see Acid Rain FAQ. also see the Acid Rain Home Page it comes back on line.

What causes acid deposition?
Is natural precipitation acidic?
How does acid deposition affect animal life?

Save the beaches (Age 10-12)

You're near a beach which is polluted or could be improved a chance to do so and share your efforts across the world. 'Save the Beaches' project is gearing up for its 1997 programme schools internationally will visit the beach, collect litter record what they collect. They complete a data collection send it in to be compiled and then try to come up with possible actions to take to help alleviate pollution problems. the Save the Beaches and find out:

What sort of information did the schools collect last year?
How did they put this together?
What ideas for improving the beaches did they come up with?

Less waste, less packaging (Age 10-13)

What are the most effective ways to reduce waste?
How can we conserve resources?
What can we learn from the study of packaging efficiency available

Site, run by The Cygnus Group includes an attractive guide, 'The Life of a Hamburger', for middle schools which can be copied to your computer. can also get the Adobe Acrobat software you need to use it.

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Revised: August 26, 1998. (e-mail at [email protected])